Friday, February 18, 2011

Giving Businesses the Power to change our lives!

All it takes is one moment to forever change you. This is Narayanan Krishnan's story.

With a degree in hand and future in sight, Narayanan was on his way to be an award-winning chef at a 5-star restaurant in Switzerland.

All it took to change his plans forever was a walk on the streets of his home town of Madurai, India. It was then that he was taken aback by an elderly man lying on the side of the road. This man was starving and filthy. Narayanan reached out to this old man who placed his frail, wrinkled dirty hand upon his. During a visit to his family, before heading to Europe, he said, "I saw a very old man, literally eating his own human waste out of hunger. I went to the nearby hotel and asked them what was available. They had idli, which I bought and gave to the old man. Believe me, I had never seen a person eating so fast, ever. As he ate the food, his eyes were filled with tears. Those were the tears of happiness. This was a defining moment.

Narayanan decided in this moment that helping this man and those in need would be a life well-lived, providing him the happiness and fulfillment he had yet to experience until this moment

Starting in 2002, utilizing his own personal savings, Narayanan fed around 30 people. In 2003, he began to serve freshly-cooked meals, and has since served over 1.5 million meals as of August 2010.

He was awarded as one of the Top 10 CNN Heroes of 2010.

Its always about giving what you can for the betterment of human race. The more you give, the more you shall receive. So, Business Owners out there, if you want to start giving back to your community, I strongly suggest you to check out the Buy1Give1 foundation (B1G1) 

Check out the latest giving in Buy1GIVE1!
Gave 970 people in need a nourishing meal
ONE Meal for the Blind
Feed ONE blind or visually impaired person a meal

We can make a difference!

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